Roon UI suggestions/issues

  1. There is an inconsistency when selecting what to play:
  • if you click on a song within an album or in a queue, immediately under the mouse cursor a popup menu appears (two kinds), which is perfect
  • if you try to select multiple songs, you don’t get the popup under the cursor; instead you need to go to the upper left of the window and choose your action there from a combo (?!). That is inconsistent and confusing. Note that when you enter multiselect with rmb, after that both lmb and rmb perform the same action (toggle selection of a song) which doesn’t make sense.

I propose that rmb still does selection as it was used to enter that mode, but lmb should produce a popup with, at least, play now/next/queue options. The same applies to the album selection.

  1. Double clicking is entirely missing from the Roon UI experience. After double clicking on an album or a song, I expect it to start playing immediately (play from here for double click on a song), as it is the case with every other player.

  2. I believe artist sections such as Main Albums should have an play command (button) to start playing all of them (first the oldest). There is plenty of space for that and would be quite useful.

And one more that is only slightly related to UI:

  1. With offline tracks, you offer a (volume?) graph under the trackbar that indicates the current position within the song. With online tracks there isn’t one, which is understandable because you cannot do the analysis in the background.

My idea is that you make analysis during the first play and cache it in the user’s database. Even better solution would be caching in your main database, but I won’t ask that.

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You can also enter multiselect with long press lmb and then it makes perfectly sense (Touch UI).

Maybe because the UI is touch oriented (Meridian Sooloos Control origin, tablet support). Sure one can implement double tipping, but it feels odd/out of place IMHO.

Well… If that would be strange on touch devices, that’s entirely the same as now things are strange on desktop. :slight_smile:

Personally, I listen my music while working on PC and don’t care much about touch…