Roon Unable to Detect dCS Lina as Roon Ready Device (ref#UVLIXV)

What’s happening?

· Something else

How can we help?

· None of the above

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· Other

Describe the issue

Roon stopped seeing my dCS Lina, other than as Airplay2, but not seen as RoonReady device on network.

Describe your network setup

ATT modem/gateway in bridge mode, Netgear Powerlines and nest system. No other issues other than Roon Ready devices not seen.

Have you rebooted all the network devices?

Yes, and there was no impact on the problem.

Hi @Eric_Rulifson,
Thanks for writing in to let us know about this issue. One of the most common causes of this is Your server and your DAC being on different subnets. You can see if that’s the case by accessing your router’s settings and comparing the IP address of your server and your Lina.

Both are on the same sub net.
Roon Server IP:
dCS Lina IP:

No support on this? I’m feeling more than a bit disappointed.

While it might not be the cause, it is best to eliminate them by removing them from the chain.

From the Roon Networking Best Practices

The quality of Ethernet Over Power solutions varies quite a bit, and generally it will be less reliable than Ethernet. There are times it can work well, but if you’re having a problem and powerline ethernet is involved, we recommend temporarily replacing the ethernet over power connection with a real ethernet cable to see if things improve.

Hey @Eric_Rulifson,

Thanks for the follow up! We were able to take another look at a fresh diagnostic report form your Roon Server, and see some continued errors and timeouts related to your network. In some situations, your Roon Server seems to be receiving an error when checking the date/time:

Got invalid time from NTP: 1/1/1900 12:00:00AM (0ms)

We have seen users with similar symptoms have a better experience in the past if they change their Router’s DNS servers from the ISP provided ones to Cloudflare DNS, Quad9 or Google DNS. Can you please give this a try and let us know if it helps?

@Rugby is steering you in the right direction - even if you can do this temporarily, it would be good for troubleshooting.


Okay, thanks for trying to help. I took the Powerline adapters out of the network, could not custom set ATT DNS servers so only used for Roon server iMac, and reset everything, including the gateway/router. Nothing changed. Lina appears as Airplay but not as RoonReady.

Hey @Eric_Rulifson,

Thanks for giving that a try. It’s odd we’re not seeing any failures from your Roon Server diagnostics in relation to the dCS device.

As a next step, lets refresh your RAATServer database and see if that helps refresh things.

You can generate a new RAATServer instance on your device by following these instructions, but please be aware that this will reset your Roon Settings → Audio Tab to factory settings and I would advise making a backup of any custom DSP settings you have:

  • Create a Backup of your current Roon database
  • Exit out of Roon
  • Navigate to your Roon’s Database Location
  • Find the folder that says “RAATServer”
  • Rename the “RAATServer” folder to “RAATServer_old”
  • Restart the Roon App to generate a new RAATServer folder

Let me know if the above helps! :+1:

I followed these instructions and it did not resolve the problem. Lina Airplay is only Roon device detected.

Hi @Eric_Rulifson ,

Please try to clear your cache to see if this helps:

  • Exit out of Roon
  • Find and open your Roon database
  • Navigate to /Library/Roon/Cache
  • Move the contents of the /Cache folder elsewhere, like your desktop
  • Try restarting Roon and verify if the issue still occurs

Hi Noris,
I did as you suggest. No impact unfortunately. Problem still exists.

Network has been simplified so that Roon server running on Mac mini and dCS Lina both connected directly by cable to ATT/Nokia BGW-320 Gateway/Router. The Cache and Roon Server folders were refreshed. Roon Ready dCS Lina still not recognized as such, only appears as Airplay2 device. dCS Mosaic app controls Lina without issue. Any other ideas? It worked before and then abrubtly stopped working.

Hi @Eric_Rulifson,

Apologies if we’ve glazed over this, but have you performed a factory reset on the dCS yet? If you use a different remote device other than the mac mini itself, like your iPhone or iPad are you able to see any Roon Ready options?

Have you tested new cables and ports from the dCS, as well as your router and server?

Yes, I have done all these things to no effect. Can we go to another level of support or consider a refund of my life-time subscription?

Hi @Eric_Rulifson,

Your frustration is understandable. Here’s what we can do from here.

We will escalate to our Partners team to investigate directly whether there are any known issues with RoonReady device discovery and this particular dCS firmware.

However, a closer look at diagnostics suggests that device discovery might not be functioning correctly on your home network, which will continue to present a hazard to lossless playback in any capable program.

RoonServer’s device map isn’t functioning due to network reachability errors - the machine doesn’t have reliable access to the complete LAN and upstream servers at the time same. This is likely a consequence of multicast traffic not routing properly on the mesh network you’ve indicated sits behind the (now removed) powerline adapters.

So we can most efficiently and quickly get you a single-step solution, please describe how you have connected RoonServer in the relative arrangement of your network hardware. Where is the main router relative to your mesh setup? And where does RoonServer sit within that topology?

We’ll keep a close lookout for your response.

Hi Connor,
As I mentioned in my first post, my network has been simplified so that the Roon server (running on Mac mini) and dCS Lina are both connected directly by cable to the ATT/Nokia BGW-320 Gateway/Router. The mesh wi-fi runs in bridge mode for better wi-fi coverage, but is peripheral to the Router-Roon server-dCS network.

Somebody over on the dCS support forum is having an identical issue to me so it may be worth Roon talking to dCS at this point.

Thanks for the help with this,

Thanks for getting back to us with this information. Some Roon staff have managed to reproduce this error with their own Linas so we are investigating next steps now. We will get back to you when we know more.

Hi Daniel,

I let Phil Harris at dCS know what is happening in this thread and your last post. He replied:

Hi Eric,

Thanks for that - I’ll try to get hold of Daniel from here but if you are able to get a message back to them then can you ask them to contact me at support@dcsaudio.complease?

Kind Regards,

Phil Harris
Technical Support Specialist
dCS Audio