Roon Unable to Locate Albums on Qobuz, Missing Multiple Titles (ref#XD4TN1)

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I have qobuz and roon can't seem to be able to find albums. I almost got rid of Qobuz, just to realize that roon can't find almost anything ... like putumayo, I see the artist double but only a few albums and missing a few dozens. I use qobuz when driving so that's how I noticed albums. AM I doing something wrong?!

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I see zero Putumayo albums on Qobuz and 54 on Tidal. That’s the same in the Qobuz app, so I guess they just don’t have them. (In Germany)

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Hi @Radu_Moraru,

Thank you for your post. I can confirm that no albums by that artist (Putamayo) are available in the Qobuz web player. The availability of content is dependent on the geographic region to which your Qobuz account is synced. Sometimes, distribution agreements will change and remove content from streaming providers.

If you have another example of Qobuz content that is failing to populate in Roon search results, please let us know.

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