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Roon is not playing Tidal in hi res flac
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Roon is not playing Tidal in hi res flac
I have also set my Tidal to Max in settings.
Hi @steinkrieg,
You’ll need to verify the tier of your Tidal subscription allows for Max, not just Hi-Res playback. See here: Sound Quality | TIDAL
Please share a screenshot of Device Setup within Roon Settings → Audio for the MSB Reference DAC Zone.
[Have you followed their instructions here] MQA should be set to Decoder and Renderer.(https://msbtechnology.com/dacs/rendererv2/rendererv2roon/)?
Thanks for the update here… I have been reading through various posts and forums about this. After a lot of research, the problem was solved simply by logging out of tidal on the roon app, and then logging back in.
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