Roon Unshuffling a Shuffled Queue

I’m running a nuc10fnh Roon Rock. 16 gb memory, music store on the Nuc. When I select multiple albums, I start playing the first album and then I add the other albums that I want to hear. I usually select 3 or 4 albums. Once my selections have been queued I hit the shuffle button and the albums are shuffled and in the queue. After one song or a couple of songs the shuffled queue unshuffles itself and the albums are put in the order that I originally queued them before shuffling. Usually, I reboot the Roon Rock and the problem goes away for a day or two. This time, rebooting the Roon Rock did not resolve this problem. I am using an Arcam SA30 and RAAT protocol. I get the same problem using Airplay. I have also restarted my iPad that I use for Roon. Any help would be appreciated. The unshuffle takes place between songs. The queued song plays but the others unshuffle.

Hi @LennyBoy,

Thank you for the report. We’re eager to investigate this behavior, but to pinpoint it in diagnostic logging, we’ll need a screenshot of the last unshuffling event or a timestamp of when it occurred.

Please let us know when you next experience this issue and we’ll follow up shortly. Thanks!

Before you messaged me I reinstalled the Roon Operating software and restarted Roon. I will try to recreate the problem and will contact you with screenshots of the unshuffling.

Hi @LennyBoy,

Thanks for the follow-up! I’d also confirm which zone this is occurring on specifically. From a recent Roon Server diagnostic report, we’re seeing different shuffle settings tied to your zones - I’d triple-check any settings that may be conflicting there.

We’ll be on standby for your reply! :+1:

Arcam SA30 RAAT

Arcam SA30 Airplay Soundtouch10 Bat Room


Conflicting Settings Not sure what they are.

It happened last night. Here are the screenshots that I captured. The first shot is the queue without shuffling.
The next shot is the queue shuffled.
The third shot is right after a song ends, the next in line plays but the rest of the songs go back to an unshuffled queue.


I’ve recreated the problem on my MAC Mini 2018 computer. It took a few hours but the problem reoccurred.

Hey @LennyBoy,

Thanks for the reports! We’re seeing the corresponding traces in your Roon Server diagnostic report, but they’re still a bit obscure. Are you able to reproduce the issue no matter the remote device?

If possible, we’d like to review a set of Roon logs from your Mac remote you reproduced the issue on recently, if you could please use the directions found here and send over a set of logs to our File Uploader?

If you’re only seeing the issue on the Mac, lets perform a Remote database refresh and see if the issue still reproduces. Steps to follow below:

  • Create a Backup of your current database
  • Exit out of Roon
  • Navigate to your Roon Database Location
  • Find the folder that says “Roon”
  • Rename the “Roon” folder to “Roon_old”
  • Reinstall the Roon App from our Downloads Page to generate a new Roon folder
  • Verify if the issue persists on a fresh database before restoring the backup

Thanks! :pray:

The Mac has the server software installed but it is not the core. The core remains on the NUC10, the Mac and iPads are the remotes that I use to select the music.

I did a database reset and Roon is up and running. I’ll let you know if the problem occurs. Thanks for your help.

That was quick, on the first set of albums the shuffle got unshuffled. Only after 2 songs.

I have other endpoints such as a CXN/v2, Bose Soundtouch and wired headphones that have shown no problems with shuffling the queue. I went to MusicLife, the Arcam SA30 player and found that the Arcam SA30 cannot shuffle music. Arcam support reaffirmed my problem with Music life and the Arcam SA30. No shuffling allowed! I have not had a shuffle/unshuffle problem with Roon in the past. Is it possible that changes in Roon software could have triggered this event. Ironic, the SA30 is a Harman product.

Hey @LennyBoy,

Great timing here!

You are exactly correct here - recent log snippets also prove this, as Roon is receiving a comment to disable shuffle during playback:

Trace: [ARCAM SA30 @] [raatclient] GOT [4] {"status":"Success","control":{"button":"shuffle_off"}}
Trace: [zone] Arcam_SA_30_RAAT received transport control from endpoint integration: shuffle_off
Trace: [zone Arcam_SA_30_RAAT] Arcam_SA_30_RAAT received transport control from ARCAM SA30: shuffle_off
[1590] 08/16 00:37:25 Trace: [zone Arcam_SA_30_RAAT] SetShuffleFalse

When playing audio to this zone specifically, can you double-check your device settings? Do you have exclusive mode enabled for the device?

I don’t see exclusive mode in the device setup. I’m running on a Rock

Can you share a screenshot of device setup for the Arcam?

Hi @LennyBoy,

Perhaps you can tether the Arcam to the system output of one of your remote devices, and attempt to set up exclusive mode that way. Youd set the Arcam to the system output, then set Roon to play from the system output of the same device.

Outside of that, I’m unsure on other ways to bypass the Arcams shuffle limits.

So instead of using RAAT, I would connect my Arcam to the headphone jack on the nuc710fnh like I would wired headphones?

Hi @LennyBoy,

You could also try Airplay or Cast. Do those protocols reproduce the issue?

Logs indicate that the Arcam is instructing Roon to disengage Shuffle. Roon can’t selectively ignore device commands, so I might inquire directly with Arcam support whether they’re aware of any related issues.

It looks like their unofficial forum has reports of this same behavior with apps other than Roon. Spotify shuffle - The unofficial Arcam SA30 community
Arcam SA30 Not Shuffling - The unofficial Arcam SA30 community

Can you reproduce in any other audio player?

I have a few endpoints connected. In addition to the SA30, I hav3 a CXN/v2, 4 SoundTouch speakers and wired headsets connected to a Mac and Windows computers. The problem only occurs with the SA30 and the platform for the Roon Remote does not matter. My idea is to use the Cxn as the endpoint and use the SA30 as an amp. It is the simplest workaround for this issue. The SA30 sounds great and I don’t want to lose it, at least until I find another integrated amp. This is such a strange problem which I’m surprised that no other Roon user noticed. Your help is very much appreciated. Reading those logs must have been a challenge.
Feel free to close this out, I’m done.