Roon won't run on new MacBook Pro with Catalina

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)
Nucleus 94c69111tf5b
Firmware 1.0 build 219 stable Version 1.7 build 571
Roon Remote: Mac, running 10.15.5 Catalina.

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)
PSAudio DSD connected via LAN.

Description Of Issue

  • Downloaded new software from your site to the Mac.
  • Changed System Preferences to permit it to open.
  • Open Roon, it opens for 1 second then quits. No error message.
  • Tried restarting, no luck.
  • Downloaded the software again, no luck.


Hi Seth,

Just confirming that you downloaded Roon and not Roon Server or Roon Bridge.

Is the software visible in your Applications folder on the Mac?

Cheers, Greg

A post was split to a new topic: Roon won’t run on new Mac Book Pro with Catalina

thanks @Greg

here it is, in my applications folder

Hi @seth_Godin1,

Sometimes there can be errors with permissions that require permissions changes via Terminal, as noted here. You’ll want to launch Terminal and then enter the following:

sudo chown $(whoami) ~ ~/Library; chmod u+rwx ~/ ~/Library

At this point you’ll be asked to type in your password – note that you may not see anything as you type . That’s expected, so just type the password correctly, hit enter, and you’re done!

If you’re still having any issues after that let us know and we can enable some diagnostics on your account and take a closer look.


thanks @dylan I copied and pasted into Terminal

not working. sorry

Hi @seth_Godin1,

Are you able to manually access your Roon logs folder on the Mac by using these instructions and send us a set?

OS X Core

You can find your Roon folder (or RoonServer folder) by following these steps:

  1. Open Finder and click Go in the top bar
  2. Hold down the Option key (or Alt)(⌥) to unhide the Library folder
  3. Click the Library folder

The logs should be under Roon\Logs on you Macbook. Can you please check to see if you have any logs there and upload a set to Dropbox / Google Drive?

You can start a private message thready with us if you wish to send the log more privately, by clicking our name here and pressing message.

If you don’t have either service just let us know and we can provide alternate upload instructions, thanks!

found em. so, there are old ones that probably came from the backup that I used to create the data on this new mac. and there are new ones that are understandably very short indeed.

thanks for your help.

Hi @seth_Godin1,

Thanks for sending those logs, it doesn’t look like the app gets too far in booting up.
Can you please try a full reinstall of Roon controller on the Mac?

  • Make a Backup of your current Roon Database
  • Exit out of Roon
  • Navigate to your Roon’s Database Location (On the Library folder of the Mac, not Nucleus)
  • Find the folder that says “Roon”
  • Rename the “Roon” folder to “Roon_old”
  • Reinstall the Roon App from our Downloads Page to generate a new Roon folder

Please let us know if this helps!

definitely something was wrong in the old roon folder. The backup of the roon database was irrelevant, but renaming the folder and then redownloading did the trick.

thank you!

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That’s fantastic news @seth_Godin1, happy to help!
Do let us know if you run into any other difficulties and we can certainly take a look.

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