RoonBridge need to be re-enabled on the server at each reboot

ok, deeper investigation looking at what is changing on the RoonBridge before and after a reboot.
My understanding is that the problem is on the server (RoonServer) not the device with RoonBridge.

To sum up, the only difference I see on the device (bridge) an information order in the device_xxx.json file.
See below.

I uninstalled Roon unsing the official Roon’s installer (arm7h version with "uninstall’ as parameter), then re-installed Roon through dietpi-software command.
=> /opt/roon cleaned and removed .
=> Installation of Roon in /mnt/dietpi_userdata/roon

/var/roon renamed in /var/roon.old
Reboot the bridge device.

Enable the device in Roon application on my MacBook
Check all id files (id, and 2 unique_id) in RoonBridge/Settings and RAATServer/Settings, store values un a file for a later “diff” command purpose.
Recursive diff in roon installation folder, save it in a file for a later “diff” command purpose

Save content of device_xxxx.json files (2 files) in a file for a later “diff” command purpose.

Reboot again and as usual, the device need to be re-enabled.
Generate again all files with recursive folder content, all ‘id’, ‘unique_id’ files, the content off devices_xxx*.json files, and so on…

Result of the difference.
Only the date of the device JSON file in /mnt/dietpi_userdata/roon/RAATServer/Settings is changed + the content that looks the same but in a different order.

root@DietPi:~/dbg# diff mnt-dietpi_userdata-roon-before-reboot.txt mnt-dietpi_userdata-roon-after-reboot-enabled.txt
< -rwxrwxr-x 1 dietpi dietpi 380 **Mar 19 00:03** device_91495e40b85a12db4afdf7aa60c22664.json
> -rwxrwxr-x 1 dietpi dietpi 380 **Mar 19 00:31** device_91495e40b85a12db4afdf7aa60c22664.json

Diff on content:
root@DietPi:~/dbg# diff cat-3274.txt cat-2427.txt
< -rwxrwxr-x 1 dietpi dietpi 380 Mar 19 00:03 device_91495e40b85a12db4afdf7aa60c22664.json

> -rwxrwxr-x 1 dietpi dietpi 380 Mar 19 00:31 device_91495e40b85a12db4afdf7aa60c22664.json
< {“unique_id”: “5f2770d1-e1b0-47f1-4bcd-fd738c804b5b”, “external_config”: {“max_sample_rate_multiplier”: 4, “resync_delay”: 0.050000000000000003, “max_dsd_sample_rate_multiplier”: 128, “max_bits_per_sample”: 32}, “output”: {“max_bits_per_sample”: 32, “force_max_volume”: true, “type”: “alsa”, “dsd_mode”: “native”, “name”: “TREXO”, “device”: “hw:CARD=TREXO,DEV=0”}, “volume”: null}
\ No newline at end of file

> {“unique_id”: “5f2770d1-e1b0-47f1-4bcd-fd738c804b5b”, “output”: {“max_bits_per_sample”: 32, “force_max_volume”: true, “type”: “alsa”, “dsd_mode”: “native”, “name”: “TREXO”, “device”: “hw:CARD=TREXO,DEV=0”}, “external_config”: {“max_sample_rate_multiplier”: 4, “resync_delay”: 0.050000000000000003, “max_bits_per_sample”: 32, “max_dsd_sample_rate_multiplier”: 128}, “volume”: null}
\ No newline at end of file