RoonBridge on Debian 12 Reporting XRUN Errors during Playback (ref#SS2I6D)

What’s happening?

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Describe the issue

RoonBridge on Linux (Debian 12, x86_64) is reporting XRUN's on the playback device.
Configuration on this endpoint is based on ALSA:

Streaming via RoonBridge to Loopback,0,0
Capture via CamillaDSP via Loopback,1,0
Playback via CamillaDSP to Hardware device (RME HDSPe MADI PCIe device)

What I am noticing is XRUN errors on the device that Roonbridge is playing to, i.e. Loopback,0,0 that result in audible glitches downstream.

So, a couple of questions:

1. Are RoonBridge XRUN's unusual (I would assume so)
2. Are "keepalive timeout. Closing connection" log entries (roonbridge) something to worry about?

10/16 10:17:13 Trace: [rnet/RnetJsonServer] [client] keepalive timeout. Closing connection
10/16 10:21:30 Trace: [rnet/RnetJsonServer] [client] GOT {"request":"updates_subscribe"}
10/16 10:21:30 Trace: [rnet/RnetJsonServer] [client] SENT NONFINAL {"status":"Success","updates":{"is_supported":true,"status":"UpToDate","progress":null,"current_version":{"machine_value":100801125,"branch":"stable","display_value":"1.8 (build 1125) stable"},"available_version":null,"update_mode":"AutoCompatible"}}
10/16 10:22:28 Trace: [rnet/RnetJsonServer] [client] keepalive timeout. Closing connection
10/16 10:23:59 Trace: [rnet/RnetJsonServer] [client] GOT {"request":"updates_subscribe"}
10/16 10:23:59 Trace: [rnet/RnetJsonServer] [client] SENT NONFINAL {"status":"Success","updates":{"is_supported":true,"status":"UpToDate","progress":null,"current_version":{"machine_value":100801125,"branch":"stable","display_value":"1.8 (build 1125) stable"},"available_version":null,"update_mode":"AutoCompatible"}}
10/16 10:26:25 Trace: [rnet/RnetJsonServer] [client] keepalive timeout. Closing connection

Describe your network setup

Server is RoonServer on an Intel NUC (Debian 12, x86_64). Client is RoonBridge on an Intel-based PC (Debian 12, x86_64). Both connected to Gb switch (Ubiquiti).

Note - I’ve not observed any XRUN’s on the Loopback playback device when using a local music player (e.g. ALSA aplay or axfer command, or say a command line player such as “cmus”.

Setting the Device buffer level to 100ms seems to have helped.

Hi @Aris_Theocharides ,

Thanks for letting us know the device buffer setting seemed to have helped, this is great news. If you notice the issue return, let us know and we can take another look, thanks!

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