RoonBridge on LMS device - I don't really want to replace my LMS install

Does anyone know of a way to load RoonSpeakers RoonBridge on a Squeezebox device? I know I can run Roon in SB mode, but I don’t really want to replace my LMS install, I just want the possibility of streaming to SBs.

You can already stream to SB’s using Roon, it just means you need to stop LMS running at the same time. I’m not sure what architecture the SB Touch is, it can be ssh’d into and I believe you can gain root access…so if it’s armv7hf you may be able to…but I think you’re now flogging a dead horse.

[quote=“danny2, post:60, topic:9463, full:true”]
Does anyone know of a way to load RoonBridge on a Squeezebox device?
[/quote]I don’t believe that is possible.

Could you share what’s holding you back from moving away from LMS to a pure Roon system? I think doing so would help the Roon developers when they are considering / planning future Roon features.

When you run Roon is SB mode you lose a lot of the SB functionality. There are times when I still want to be in the SB environment - for instance using it as an alarm clock, some of the other plugins. The Roon guys are clearly aware of this, so I don’t think this is telling them much.

At other times I’d like to be able to stream music from Roon to the SB HW. So if RoonSpeakers could be “hacked” into a device like an SB Touch, it would be cool. I’m sure it can be done (it’s just a little Linux playback device, after all), it’s just a question of someone figuring out how to do it.

…and to run things like BBC iPlayer extra (on demand stuff), Spotify, Pandora. These are not my major uses of my system, but they are some of my (or my wife’s) usage of our system.

I agree the Alarm clock feature is well known, quite a few have asked for that and I too hope Roon will provided this in due course.

Thanks for the extra info re “other plugins”.