RoonOS Exit Code 41


I have similar issue since yesterday, first in the app it requiered an update of ROON ROCK OS wich is located on dedicated laptop with ssd drive, update only restarted ROCK every time and nothing happened with update, then after few reeboots i had to reinstal OS, i also did all the procedure few times still nothing. I tried to update via on-line interface, and i got the error. Now an issu is that after app reinstal, the app doesn’t see Roon Rock, but it is present on-line.

It is worth noting that everything was just great till yesterday, i didn’t do anything unusual, just opened roon app, got the update prompt, and bang…, am i doing something wrong? Thank you.

Finally Roon app found ROCK, but the issue with neverending update continues, as mentioned before, it says :

than :


and after second try, Roon Rock cannot boot and i have to do Reinstal or Recover, same all same all since before yesterday… anyone? please…

Hi @Sebastian_Szadkowski /@Sebastian_Szadkowski ,

Thanks for reaching out. It looks like your Core is on an older Roon version, so I would try these troubleshooting steps to see if it helps:

  1. Try to perform a full reboot of the device using the red power button on the Web UI or by pressing the physical power button once, waiting for the unit to turn off, then pressing it once to turn the unit back on. Then try to press the Operating System - Reinstall button and check to see if it takes the update.

  2. Please check your DNS settings in your router, and if you are using ISP or default DNS servers, please try to use Google ( or Cloudlfare ( instead and then retry the update.

  3. If this still does not resolve the issue, you can try to fresh RoonServer instance, and try the reinstall button again afterwards:

  • Stop RoonServer from running in ROCK’s WebUI
  • Navigate to your ROCK’s Database Location
  • Find the folder that says “RoonServer”
  • Rename the “RoonServer” folder to “RoonServer_old”
  • Restart the RoonServer in the WebUI to generate a new Roon database folder
  • Try to use Reinstall button to reinstall the Operating System
  • Restore from backup or stop RoonServer and rename RoonServer_old back to RoonServer

Isn’t Google and ?

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Fixed typo, thanks @Suedkiez

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thank you for all suggestions, i still have this message:

and still can not run Roon app, it is a little frustrating cause i don’t know waht i’m doing wrong and why everything was perfect just few days ago. I don’t have any library, i use Roon only for streaming from Tidal. I did factory reset to my router Asus RT-AX53U twice, is there a way to downloand the newest OS and install it from usb ?

Hi @Sebastian_Szadkowski ,

Did you by any chance try my previous suggestion of renaming RoonServer to RoonServer old?

If the RoonServer rename still didn’t resolve the issue, you can try to reinstall ROCK fresh via a USB stick by following the ROCK install guide:

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