rooPlay - From LP, CD and iPhone to Roon

Apologies if i was not clear! I was referring to your reply of the 23rd August regarding the possibility restarting playback after a dropout, my point being restarting seems appropriate rather than silence, particularly if the Surface dial is not nearby.

This is really something that should be fixed by Roon instead of a workaround by me to restart after dropout :+1:

Roon must implement an asynchrones sample rate converter (ASRC) in the playback chain if radio streams are played. This will adapt the input speed of the radio stream to the speed of the DAC. Such devices are available as hardware but also can be programmed in software. Using this prevents dropouts at all and will be a much better solution as a restart after dropout.

Please open a support ticket in Roon, describe the dropout scenario which happens with any radio station sooner or later and ask for the implementation of a ASRC.

Best DrCWO

I will open a ticket and see how it goes.