(ed ed)
I was wondering :
I have modified the roon server and my “normal” roon endpoints which use roon display show the “re-designed” screens.
One endpoint is a raspberry5 running ropieee also with a display. This display does not display my design changes.
Is there a way to “re-design” the screen ropieee displays ?
What do you mean “modified”? I wasnt even aware you could change the roon layout.
(Harry ten Berge)
That’s not possible. RoPieee’s screen is independant of Roon ‘cast’ screens.
(ed ed)
(ed ed)
OK That’s clear then. Thanks
Oh, so the modification is to the cast screen webserver? That makes more sense.
Hey @spockfish this is a new feature question but it was very on-topic so figured I’d put here rather than create a new thread.
Is it possible to access the zone sleep timer from Ropieee in any way?
In the GUI I can set a sleep timer, but this isn’t accessible from Ropieee (display or API) from what I can tell.