Ropieee Display - customization?

I was wondering :

I have modified the roon server and my “normal” roon endpoints which use roon display show the “re-designed” screens.

One endpoint is a raspberry5 running ropieee also with a display. This display does not display my design changes.

Is there a way to “re-design” the screen ropieee displays ?

What do you mean “modified”? I wasnt even aware you could change the roon layout.

That’s not possible. RoPieee’s screen is independant of Roon ‘cast’ screens.

yes you can and it’s pretty cool : Customized Displays: OK to share? - #58 by Joe_Gratz

OK That’s clear then. Thanks

Oh, so the modification is to the cast screen webserver? That makes more sense.

Hey @spockfish this is a new feature question but it was very on-topic so figured I’d put here rather than create a new thread.

Is it possible to access the zone sleep timer from Ropieee in any way?

In the GUI I can set a sleep timer, but this isn’t accessible from Ropieee (display or API) from what I can tell.