Ropieee Refusing to Load on RasPi 4

Hi, I’ve been using Roon successfully for years with a Nuc Nucleus and RasPi 4 running ropieee with a DigiOne.
After the recent update the Pi was stuck at at ‘updating’ so after a little searching on here I reset the Pi and all was well - or so I thought. A few days later the DigiOne disappeared from Roon.
I tried re-booting the Pi but no joy.
Downloaded the latest image, re-flashed the Pi and still no joy.
Re-tried several times but could not load ropieee.local.
Checked the script and it was stuck at the Wi-Fi AP stage as if it couldn’t register it had an ethernet connection.
Switched cables still no joy.
Set up the Wi-Fi as instructed on the local network then got this message;

Any ideas?

I wonder whether the file system error points to a bad SD card. Do you have another that you could flash, just to be sure?

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I know it sounds odd, but try another suitable power supply (and cable)

I flashed Volumio to it to test the HAT as initially I thought that might be the issue but it worked fine.
I also ran a few OS’s to check the Pi was working correctly and everything worked fine.
It’s as if the Ropieee OS is not detecting the network cable for some reason. I have tried 3 different cables.

I’ll try it but I think it might be a network issue.

I may have the same issue. My ropieee in the kitchen disappeared and did not reappear after (several) reboot(s).
Reflashed it (also tried this on a new SD card) and still could not get the Pi to be detected by the network. Ordered a new SD adapter for flashing which is coming in today. I’ll try reflashing it again tonight.

I think my issue is a network issue.
It just seems odd that it was working fine then disappeared.
I’ve booted Pi Lite onto the Pi but can’t get the PC to even see it despite knowing the IP address. Can’t locate it in Putty even?
It’s odd as I can detect my Rock easy enough and they’re all hardwired on the same router.
Maybe some SSH issue or some Port problems.
I’m just trying to troubleshoot at the moment.

Sometimes it is helpful to reboot your network stack, from the core outwards.

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I have been trying to get my kitchen streamer (Allo Boss2) online again after it suddenly disappeared from the network shortly after the latest update. Freshly flashed new SD card, Boss2 connected with a new LAN cable to the router. I boot up the Boss2 but there is no activity in the LAN cable. No (green) lights on the router, my web interface tells me the port is not being used. Understandably, ropieee.local is unreachable.

Any advice on how to proceed? Can this be anything else than a hardware issue in the RPi?


I suggest you create a new topic. Right now you’re ‘hijacking’ a topic about the RasPi, and your issue is not related to that.

And about your issue: are you sure the unit boots up properly?

Did you try an alternative power supply?

Hi Menzies,

No I did not. I don’t have an alternate power supply to hand. I’ve tried loading several Linux OS’s onto the Pi and they have worked flawlessly every time. Managed to get my PC to communicate with the Pi running Lite but cannot get Ropieee to load. It fails to recognise that it is connected via LAN and when I follow the WiFi connection instructions I get the message from the original post.

This is just weird. It should just recognize the internal network adapter.

As you have a screen attached… can you show me the first screens when you try to install it with a network cable inserted?


So I have tried to load it again and it did not pause at the connection stage. I have rebooted the router again since the last attempt. It did pause for a while at the stage 10 connection point.
The Pie is telling me it’s running but I can’t connect via ropieee.local
I have every firewall turned off.

This tells me that indeed there’s no internet connection.
Which is weird, because this should work just out-of-the-box on a Pi4.

Not sure how can debug this further…

Oh. one more thing: what’s the size of your SD card?

It’s 32GB
It’s worked flawlessly on that Pie for a few years. The last update failed to finish. I left it for a few hours then rebooted the Pie and it worked for a few days then just disappeared from ROON.
I tried to reboot but then thought I’d download the latest version and start from scratch and here I am.
Guess I’m cancelling my subscription then.
Shame as I love the platform.

I would order a new RPi4 before I dropped Roon. Return it if that doesn’t solve the problem.

And/or try DietPi on it to see what it says about ethernet interfaces.

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I’m not that au fait with with Linux but this experience has certainly taught me a few things.
If I can find tutorial on how to do that I shall certainly give it a go. I have a feeling it is an issue with my router.

For what it’s worth I did have a Pi that developed a fault on the Ethernet port.

So it’s certainly possible.