Rose RS130 screen not changing song

Roon Server Machine

Intel Roon certified nuc

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Gb network switch

Connected Audio Devices

Hifi rose rs130, Elac Z3

Number of Tracks in Library

2000 tracks

Description of Issue

When using Roon radio the app is showing the songs and artists name and also the Rose screen does
But when next radio song starts only app display changes song info but rose rs130 screen stays on first song. When press stop and then start again the screen changes.
But it should change automatically just like the app screen does

As your issue is with a Rose product, did you contact Rose support (too)?

I had issues like this when I had a Naim Uniti Atom and NAD T778. It seemed to happen with Qobuz streams in Radio and never local music. I don’t have either unit anymore but have witnessed it on the Pi using Ropieee from time to time as well.

I did and they confirmed the issue but where not able to tell me if it’s caused by rose or by Roon
They did send this issue to their technical department