Rugby's Weekly Roon User and Music Google Chat

Great to chat again.

Listen later primed with recommendations


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Files about refection. If you are going to play the .flac files turn your volume down first and ease into them

Listen for the level wobble in CSource.flac. Listen to Reflect to see how much reduced that wobble is.

The spectrum pictures show that the third of a major chord is reduced when it include a reflection… with a pathological delay.

C Chord Direct

C Chord + Reflect

C Chord flac file

C Chord + Reflect file



A great chat and good to see everyone. Besides the posts we discussed

  • Running your Pinball machine audio out through your Audio System

  • Genelec speaker reveal

Music Suggestions Choices

Ela Minus DIA

Sandstorm Level 42

Love. Beatles Cirque du Soleil. Giles Matin

A Secret Silken World, Triage David Baerwald (does he sound Boz Scaggs)

Hermanos Gutierrez - Sonido Cosmico

Jessy Lanza -Pull my Hair back


Lovely chat today. I was prompted by the comment @Sloop_John_B reported (your son I think?) that he is very good at doing nothing. Now that’s the kind of thing I can take lying down. I propose a competition to establish who amongst us is best at doing nothing. First one to rise to the challenge and implement something loses.

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Today’s meeting will be at the same time as usual, 3 pm EST. So, crack open a beverage of choice, and join us if you can.

The chats revolve around Roon, other hardware/software audio topics, or just music. If you are having an issue with Roon, or, hardware or network setups, let us know and we will try and help!

Please keep in mind, everyone here is a fellow user like yourself; so this is NOT an official Roon chat.

Chat Link

old link removed

When I clicked on the link for today’s meeting I got a screen saying I could not join the call.

Another great chat thanks.

Listen later now primed for action-

I might even boot up my vinyl replay for this one

In relation to the speakers I’m going to demo, the bass:

The Super 20A’s fixed boundary bass reflex loading is key to a more agile, nuanced, textured and detailed bass reproduction.

This probably means something to you guys!




The Story of A&M Records

Kudas Supra 20a

Nucleus One vs Mac Mini

Qobuz and Roon issues


Music Suggestions

Supertramp Paris Live '79

Larkin Poe. “Bloom”

King Hannah

Di Melo

Compro Skee Mask

Dongfeng Liu and Gonzalo Rubalcaba China Afro Cuba

Moondance. Highres 2013. Van Morrison

The Art Of Fugue. Hazelrig

Faith No More - The Real Thing

Hum - You’d Prefer An Astronaut


Additional detail. I bought the 8340A monitors and am using the base GLM kit for room correction. I’m in a true near field setup with the monitors on a desk, tweeters about ear height, toed towards my head, I’m between 3 and 4 feet away. The room is mostly untreated 11’x10’.

It’s just a different experience to my main system where the speakers are 8 feet apart and I’m like 9 feet away.

The 8340s are very good. Surprisingly good for such a small package. They do a lot of things right but they are monitors first. Are they “musical”? No. They are accurate to the recording and very few recordings naturally sound musical. Timing, instrument placement, etc. are their thing. I know a few who use them for hifi and I bought speaker stands because I want to hear them in my big room. But, for now, when I want to understand a recording better… I listen on the 8340’s and they revel all. My main system and the 8340s both present in space in the same general way. I’m not saying my main system is fooling me. I’m just saying the 8340s are blunt in their presentation where my main system a little gentler. I feel lucky to have access to them for this purpose.


The original album and the Live in Paris 79 are different. The later has 22 tracks and might have come from different nights of the 4 night stint. What is needed is a Live in Paris '79 Complete with all four concerts presented in their entirety.


If @Dan_Sullivan joins, I’d like to discuss the lack of the fundamental frequency of notes from a piano and how recording and reproduction of that recording trick us into hearing bass that really isn’t there. This may be relevant to the work he’s been doing to model reflections.

But, probably more importantly to the rest of, its why small speakers are able to reproduce such low bass… or at least why we hear bass from small speakers and headphones. And, this may be critical to getting a room to sound good.

and for those that just said WT mud patch is @ipeverywhere going on about?
Spectral Analysis Applied to Pianos - Part 1

Well, scratch all that. Something came up and I may not make it today or at least I’ll be late.

Today’s meeting will be at the same time as usual, 3 pm EST. So, crack open a beverage of choice, and join us if you can.

The chats revolve around Roon, other hardware/software audio topics, or just music. If you are having an issue with Roon, or, hardware or network setups, let us know and we will try and help!

Please keep in mind, everyone here is a fellow user like yourself; so this is NOT an official Roon chat.

Chat Link

old link removed

I can’t make it today… but next week yes. Ryan’s topic is very interesting…


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Check this out @Dan_Sullivan :


Marianne Faithful “Broken English”

Vacuum Tube Headphones


Musical Suggestions

  • Wedance “Dance Pop”

  • Bjørn Riis “A Storm is Coming”

  • Airbag “The Greatest Show On Earth”

  • Strongboi - strongboi

  • Lilly Hiatt “Forever”

  • Night Flight Orchestra “Give us the Moon”

  • CPE Bach: Flute Concertos - Georgian Chamber Orchestra Ingolstadt / Ariel Zuckermann

  • Gravity - Joona Toivanen Trio

  • Summertime - Deep Dive Corporation

  • Meridian Brothers

  • Orville Peck

  • Pavlov’s Dog band

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Here is the playlist for my speaker demo @andybob



Elvis, Bob, orbital listed twice in your playlist atm

Just pictured twice in order to keep the symmetry of the photo screenshots
