Run two servers on the same network

Is it possible to run two roon servers on the same network?


I think it is but you would need two licenses.

Thanks for the response. I’m sure you’re right about needing a second license.

Has anyone in the community done this, or do the roon folks have an official response?


Multiple servers works fine IIRC. You just need to select the right ones for remotes to connect and be careful not to select the same zone from both servers.

I’m just curious, why would you want to run two servers?

Because there are instances where in a family environment, you want to make sure certain members of your family cannot accidentally see content that you do not wish them too. Even with a Focus, clicking on links will take you to content - Out of Focus.

For example, some people just want to make sure that their 9 year old daughter listening to the Frozen soundtrack doesn’t click her way to Lords of Acid’s “Rough Sex”.

I had talked about making storage locations “sticky” to profiles which would alleviate this problem.

Thanks to all for the responses. Rugby’s scenario is pretty close to mine, and I’d love to see his suggestion of storage locations being specifiable by profiles.

Oh sweet Praga Khan!

You would need two licenses. We have a bunch of users running with multiple licences. Some do it for the above scenario, others do it so their control points don’t mess with music in the “office”, and others do it for a mobile laptop vs steady home install.

All of us on the Roon team do it as well, one for the real home install, and one for development purposes. My wife gets furious when I do “testing” on the home system.

Thanks for the clarity. Any thoughts of implementing Rugby’s suggestion of storage locations specifiable by profiles (. . . he asks before purchasing a second license)?

we are looking into doing hidden albums/tracks by profile

Thanks for the insight

Nevermind…figured it out.

I really want to do this (purchasing a second license). Can I just import my current home backup to inherit all of my metadata? I back-up to Dropbox, so the current backup would always available to both home/office. One problem I see: different storage paths for each location.

I think I have mentioned this before, but it would be cool if multiple locations could “sync” metadata to a common location, like Dropbox, so that each stays up-to-date; each with its own core license and unique library paths. Of course, this would assume a matching library.


you can edit the location instead of creating a new one.