I have my MacMini (late 2012 with 16GB of ram) connected to my TV (Samsung 55") via hdmi and every so often across the bottom 1/3 of the TV i get 1 simple flicker, any ideas on what can be the cause of this. I’ve only ever noticed it using Roon, which is usually in full screen mode and I notice it the most when I have the now playing screen up, but it does happen for example on the overview page too. This has been happening from the beginning, but I remember before with earlier versions of Roon it was more a very thin white line that would pop up every so often, also across the bottom 1/3 area of the screen.
Yeah it’s strange, I thought it may be the HDMI cable but this issue only happens when using Roon. Maybe CPU running to much? IDK, must be a reason though.
No. 10.10.5 and this Mac is only used as a music server, so has very little other than music related apps and my music storage is on a FW400 4TB external drive and a 4TB USB drive set up as a time machine backup.
I use the inbuilt browser on my (relatively new - a year or two old) Samsung TV to display the URL link as provided in the Roon app. It mostly works fine, but the bottom third of the screen (where the text for the artist / album name etc. lives flickers. I think it’s something to do with the way the html is coded to pull the data feed.
Anyway, I’m reaching so any help would be appreciated.
For reference, there are no hardware issues - equipment / cables etc. just to avoid those responses. Ta!