Screen upside down (yes, I have read all the previous posts on this!)

Hi all, I have setup a Pi4b with 7" screen and inno-maker DAC HAT. I have flashed with Ropieee off the correct download screen and everything looked fine (albeit the screen was upside down). I have since gone into settings and rotated the screen orientation, I have repeatedly ‘configured’ and ‘rebooted’ where required and tried changing orientations to try to get the screen image to flip. I have reflashed the Pi (repeatedly), to no avail, the screen will not change orientation. I have seen numerous posts identifying this problem some years ago, but all point to the software toggle in Ropieee to solve this orientation problem and I have tried toggling that (repeatedly). Is there a new release of Ropieee that is creating all these frustrations? It is definitely frustrating! I am on my test 2 weeks of Roon and I’ll be a very short-lived user if this cannot get solved. Please help anyone?

There is not. Screen rotation works as expected.
Do you have the original Raspberrry Pi touchscreen?

Hi Harry, I think I do, yes. I have two custom mounts for it and it fits in both perfectly and they have very tight tolerances. When following onscreen video instructions and the jumpers etc all looked identical to those in the videos. I live in South Africa and it was brought down here by a friend, along with the Pi4 and DAC etc, so I have no reason to think it isn’t original although you are now sewing the seed of doubt! How can I tell?

Can you send me feedback? You can find that option on the ‘advanced’ tab of the webpage.
It will show you an identifier that you need to give me, so I can have a look.


Hi Richard,

This looks good. Can you now set the screen orientation, follow the instructions, and after the reboot send me another feedback?


HI, it had all hung and so i needed to reboot and then do the orientation change, so hopefully the following is still of use to you? 8c963adbe77f5106

That’s not good. It should not do that.

A few things: I see that you have, next to to the touchscreen, also a HAT connected.
And I see problems with the init of the HAT. So I’m seriously wondering if this is not causing the issue.

From a software pov, so configuration etc, everything is ok (including setting the rotation).

Is it possible to remove the HAT and test it with only the touchscreen attached?


HAT removed, only touch screen attached. Again it booted into orientation upside down. Changed orientation, configured and rebooted. Screen still upside down (2413854d870dfb8d)

Then rotated again (now labelled ‘normal’ in side RoPieee) - 83703eb9cb1a0ebb

From a software perspective everything seems ok.

The only thing remaining that I can think of:

a) this isn’t an official Raspbery Pi screen
b) are the cables properly attached?

All was correctly attached. I haveanaged to get the pi/HAT to work fine without the screen, so I suspect it must not be a Pi screen or is faulty. It certainly looks like a Pi screen! Anyway, thank you very much for your efforts. At least I can test Roon using the end point now, albeit without screen

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