Screenshots look different on black Friday promotion

Well, maybe I’m the one missing out on all the fun here, and you were already upgraded to Roon Platinum (the secret menu tier they won’t tell anyone about, with Roon-on-the-go, built-in room correction, vertical scrolling and the new interface, as well, of course, as folder browsing and core-on-raspberry) but does Roon Display (or your iDevice now playing screen) look like the right part of that screenshot ? Because that thing looks like it’s been nip/tuck’d a bit.

(oh, and before someone points out it’s a tablet, it also isn’t the current in-app tablet display as far as I can tell (but I don’t have an iPad pro to check with, so maybe that’s where Platinum kicks in))

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It’s the display zone ui

Running on what, if I may ?

'cause it doesn’t look like that here:

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Try a horizontal artist photo… unsure why you are seeing nile’s portrait photo

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I’m getting a slideshow, none of which shows the same artist photo as the one on the “black friday” screenshot is part of why I was surprised… closest is the one here, which is also consistent with the theming of the volume bar on the bottom (i’ve tried both with light and dark UI themes, just to make sure).

Move along, nothing to see here… a little image editing for the web presentation perhaps.


Exactly the kind of reaction one would expect from a Roon user with Platinum access :stuck_out_tongue:

Platinum is kid’s stuff. Californium level is where it’s at…
Sorry my roon provided butler was enquiring as to my wishes for the next track. A graduate of the Valence butlering school.

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So the only butler bold enough to systematically try to pair a sharp white with wagyu, and then belt out my heart will go on if you protest ?

TBH I’m of the overrated school with respect to wagyu so a sharp white wouldn’t be too outrageous.

Naw, the Unobtainium Level is where it is at!