Scrollbars not visible

Scrollbars not visible

I am using the Dark Theme.
When starting the ROON App on PC (Windows 11) or iPad I cannot see the Scrollbars in various dialogs.

For Instance the dialogs:

  • Album Editor
  • Browse for An Image → Selected Folder
    This is under My Live Radio → Add Station
  • Edit Station when the Dialog Parent Window is resized

(list not complete)

When there is no scrollbar Page Up & Page Down do not work.
In these cases I have to scroll the window by dragging the content with the mouse.

In the same dialogs the scrollbars are also invisible with the light theme.

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It seems that scroll bars have been progressively lost. Sometimes this means you can’t even see that additional content is available outside of the view, if it doesn’t happen to be cut off in the middle of the text

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