Search by record label outside library

Hi, I would find it very useful to be able to find all albums by a label (ECM for example) that are available in Qubuz. I can find the ones in my library but I would like to explore others.
Will this ever be possible?

Roon did eventually implement folder browsing, so never say never…,

Not in Roon, but just open your Qobuz App and search to your heart’s content. Add in Qobuz, Sync on Roon, Rinse & Repeat. :+1:


+1 here. Would also love to be able to search by label outside library. And yes, I know one can do it within Qobuz but it would be great to do natively in ROON.

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this is my most desired feature - to be able to search Tidal (i.e. outside locally stored library) by record label



thanks for a great product

If this is important to you, please vote for it by using the Vote button at the top of the thread - “+1” posts cut no ice with the Roon Labs team. Thanks.

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Thanks. Sorry - I wasn’t aware

Now that Qobuz has the ability to search and browse by label, is there any prospect on adding this to Roon?