Search for Handel Returns Mozart as Top Result

This is a difficult one, partly because there are at least two correct spellings, Handel and Händel (= Haendel). According to note “b” in the Wikipedia article:

According to baptismal records in Halle’s parish church, the Lutheran Marktkirche Unser Lieben Frauen. The records of that church also show that the family name was spelled on various occasions at least four other ways: Hendel, Händeler, Hendeler and Hendtler, but most commonly Händel. In Italy he spelled it Hendel, as it is pronounced in German. From the time he arrived in England, however, he consistently signed his name as George Frideric Handel.

I’m happy to report that searching for “handel” now returns Handel instead of Mozart. Guess my cache of bad aliases must have cleared.

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Oh, Phew! I thought you were going to have to search for Mozart to get Handel for the rest of your life.

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