I have an album by the artist “Everyday People”.
Now I wanted to look in Roon to see if it is already there.
So I enter “every” in the search bar.
Roon does not find the album.
Even if I display everything about it - it is not found anywhere.
Only when I enter “everyd” or more is it found.
I just want to understand why this is the case. Because “every” is just as correct?
Whist Roon is far from perfect, I don’t think this is an issue with the search, since many titles contain every or everyday. If you only type every, I’d expect the results to contain an exact match first.
Search is only as good as what you enter really and then it can be hit and miss, but given every is a fairly common word in a lot of titles or acts it’s going to have lots to choose from when using global search which covers streaming as well. If you’re looking for anything in your library use the filter search instead far better for library stuff or give search more to go on.