Settings and databses could not be reset. Please try again, or contact support. {"status":"Failure","exitcode":5}

Settings and databses could not be reset. Please try again, or contact support. {“status”:“Failure”,“exitcode”:5}

Is there any real Support ?

It would appear that the OS is having trouble getting complete control of the storage before resetting it. Try the following:

  1. Reboot your RoonOS device (using the pull-down menu on the red power button in the upper right:

  1. Once back online stop RoonServer using the pull-down in the web UI.

  1. Now try resetting your settings / db storage

TKS but I tried all options Reinstall,Restart and ON OFF all works fine but only Reset Database is not cooperating.

Did you try the steps I outlined in that order (fresh boot with RoonServer stopped)?

Also, if you have the Data folder from your RoonOS device mounted to your PC / Mac then it would be best to unmount it and then reboot your PC / Mac to make sure that the folder is released.

Yes even with server not running I got the same error message.

I had write an mail to “real support” to get an answer what exetcode 5 means.

After 4 days no anwer from Support
Roon lost a Fan.

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