Shostakovich Op. 77 vs. Op. 99 confusion

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The Shostokovich Violin Concerto No. 1 was originally Op. 77 but its publication was delayed and it was eventually published as Op. 99. This means that it can be confused with the Echelon film score which also has Op. 99.

This confusion has happened with several performances as in the example above. It can also be the case that there is no confusion as in this example by a different label. Much better transfer BTW but I don’t think they are the same performance.

As there are in excess of 140 performances on Qobuz it is all a bit hit and miss whether the violin concerto is categorized as the Violin Concerto No. 1 or the First Echelon film score so it needs to be tidied up. It’s probably much the same confusion on Tidal.

Hi @Tony_Casey.

Many thanks for reporting this and providing a great level of detail. We discovered that Rovi/TiVo only had an Op. 77 label on the Violin Concerto (it’s a metadata field that is not visible to you) and this was hindering us from pulling the Concerto out of streaming service track titles. We got them to add an additional Op. 99 label to the Concerto and we’re now correctly pulling the Concerto as the linked composition.

This updated metadata has just gone live, but it could take up to a week for your library to update.

Thanks again.

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