Shostakovich works are being labelled as composed by the Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra!

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I edited the track inserting “Shostakovich” and that displays but underneath it still proclaims the work as composed by the Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra!! This is occurring consistently in chamber works I’m currently editing where the album has more than one composer. Other works in the same album have the appropriate composer correctly identified underneath.

Hi @JOHN_COULSON . Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Someone over on MusicBrainz has conflated the two in a credit and this is causing the confusion. I’ll make an edit to fix it (though it could take a little while for it to be fixed in your library).

cc: @jamie

Hi @JOHN_COULSON . This has been fixed on our servers and the update metadata should be in your library now. If not, they should be in a couple of days. Thanks for reporting this!

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