Show history for selected album

I can see the history thread of what was played and when by choosing the History option.

It would be very useful to be able to select an album or a track on an album and view the complete history of when that track was played. Please consider adding this feature (pivot table). If showing the complete history is too much work or trouble, even being able to see the date last played (single date) would be useful.

I’m trying to cycle through my collection and not play the same albums over and over again. This would help me choose more rationally.

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The following doesn’t have the granularity you’re requesting, but as an interim measure you could use Focus to only display the albums you haven’t played recently. For example, the following will display all the albums I haven’t played in the last month.

I used NOT “Played in the last”=“All Time” in order to show list of albums that I’ve never played (since installing Roon)

I even slice it future into genre (i.e. Classical, Jazz, etc.)