Show part name on iPhone (Now Playing screen) for multi-part albums

For normal pop albums Roon handles them as each track / part being a separate work.
For some albums (typically classical & cast recordings), Roon treats them as having multiple parts per work - often the entire album as a single work.

When playing a multi-part work, Roon displays the name of the work where the part / track name would normally be shown (redundant when the work is the Album name), instead of the track-name / song-name. Also, the queue listing only shows the work(s) being queued rather than the individual parts / tracks (within the work) being queued.

During play of a multi-part work:

On a Windows PC (being used as a Roon controller) display, it shows (on the far right) both the progress through the multiple parts AND the part / track-name (for my musicals - the song name). [again, see image]

But I often control the play from my iPhone SE (iOS 18.1.1). The iPhone only shows the part number progress (as in “7 of 15”) in addition to the work name. Thus for the musical “Sweet Charity”, it would show “Sweet Charity” twice - first at top as the work name and then again below as the album name. Below that it shows the track #, but NOT the track name (eg the song being sung). It does not show the track-progress display with part / track name as it does on the PC display.

The work-around is to Edit-Album to disable multipart function, so it track each track as its own unique work. I currently I have a problem report in not being able to access Edit-Album (thus unable to execute the work-around), but that is not the change request).

The change being requested is:
Modify the iPhone display to show the part / track name being played.
This could easily be shown instead of the part# / track# (as in “7 of 15”) and would be much more meaningful.

I suspect the the displayed part# is actually the top portion of the collection of information that would be on the far right on a PC display (see PC image captures) but then gets truncated to only show the top line. [if unique to the small iPhone SE’s, I like the small size that easily fits in my pocket]
If my guess is correct, the requested change would be substituting the part-name / track-name information for that entire (partially truncated) progress display. But, that is just a reverse-engineering conjecture on my part.

While I can click the down-chevron icon to get the track list,and scroll down to find the one showing the mini-equalizer icon (gif?) to identify the track, I would much prefer to see the song name on the “Now Playing” display (since that is the core purpose of that display!)

I apologize for not having iPhone display captures - I am fairly new to using an iPhone and do not know how to do screen captures (also unsure of how I would get those to my PC where I handle web browsing, emails, etc).

Below is the entire queue, consisting of a single “work” (the entire album).