Shuffle and track sets (movements)

When the shuffle picks a track that is part of a set (most commonly classical movements) it will always start with the first movement, and unless interrupted by the user, will play the rest of the movements till the set is completed. This is great!

The problem starts when I’m using the thumbs up/down to build a queue of the tracks I want to listen to next.
Whether I want to play the chosen set of tracks or not, I have to click through all of the movements until I get a fresh pick of the shuffle. And in some cases that can be a whole lot of clicks! (I think I clicked through an opera with 35 movements today :sweat:)

I think it will be very useful in this situation to have 2 additional options other than the thumbs up/down - “thumbs up on all movements” and “thumbs down on all movements”. That way the user will have the flexibility to approve or discard the entire set of tracks with a single click, or they can still use the regular thumbs up/down if they want to pick and choose which movements to add to the queue.

Hope that makes sense!

Hey @Chikolad – good catch.

This is actually a bug – thumbs up/down should add or discard the entire work. We have a ticket open tracking this and I’ve just bumped the priority, so hopefully this is fixed for our next release.

Sorry for all the clicks! :blush:

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Excellent! Thanks @mike!

Mike I’m having the same problem can’t shuffle all tracks. Do you have an idea when the fix will be available?