Sill can't "love" more than one track at a time, and the workaround doesn't seem to work any more either [Ticket in]

Roon Core Machine


Networking Gear & Setup Details

Connected Audio Devices

Number of Tracks in Library

209,000 tracks, playlist with 13,000 tracks

Description of Issue

I want to “love” all of the tracks in all of my playlsts, so when I’m browsing, searching, etc I can see which tracks I’ve already found and deemed “worthy”.

As previously reported, I can’t select all the tracks in the playlist and press the “heart” button - it has no effect. For some reason that thread was closed even though the bug isn’t fixed. But a workaround was posted. The workaround doesn’t seem to work for me now either.

I go to my playlist, select all tracks, click the “…” next to play now, Click “add to tag”…and nothing happens.

Here is the previous discussion:

Hey @Peter_Galvin1,

Thanks so much for sharing how important the ability to favorite more than one track at a time is to you.

While I don’t have specific timelines to share on when this will be made available, I wanted to let you know that there’s a ticket for this very feature with our developers.

Please, stay tuned :nerd_face: