Slow performance on Apple remotes with Nucleus+


I am looking over your latest Roon logs and it looks like the system is reporting as being online since October 10th, strange that you were getting an error on 10/23. Looking over the log though, I do notice that it suddenly lost the network connection around then, it’s almost as if the router was restarted.

Since you’ve had these power outages, has the router had any form of protection? Do the router logs show any signs of issues? Are you on the latest router firmware? Do you have any other router you can try to temporarily use as a test?

Router logs show no issues. Firmware is up to date. I have no other router. This router works fine for everything else wired or wireless both.
Why has the Nucleus+ IP address changed to from recently?

Also, when I close out of Roon on the desktop, and it is still playing, why does it take 30 seconds to a minute trying to connect to the Roon server when I open it again…when it’s already playing!


The Nucleus is set to DHCP, so it gets its IP address from the router. The lease time likely expired and the router provided the Nucleus a new IP.

If it still plays when this happens, then the issue is on the desktop side. If you have another Roon remote connected to the Nucleus at the same time, does it also disconnect or does it stay connected when the PC doesn’t connect?