Smart playlist empty after Roon Server reboot on MacMini Server (ref#7IPR4I)

What’s happening?

· Other

Describe the issue

Smart playlist empty after Roon Server Reboot. Songs are Tidal favorites ordered by date added. Server is: MacOS, MacMini Server.

Describe your network setup

Roon server connected to router via ethernet cat5.

Re-“Edit-Focus”, selecting Tidal and Favorites, and then save → the playlist content is back as it should.

Edit 1/12/2024: I mean, the playlist can be redone, but why is it emptied after a reboot?
In my tests, I have seen the list been emptied when connection to Internet (Tidal) was lost. May be this explains the trashing of all pieces in that smart playlist.

Hello @FVO ,

Thanks for reaching out with your report. Losing your internet connection may have had something to do with the issue, are you able to reproduce the behavior at-will? Can you let us know the local time + date of when you noticed the issue last time and when you notice the issue occur again?