Songs do not play

@support The songs appear on Roon but they do not play. They seem to paly for one second and skip.
Roon version 1.5 build 339
Windows 10 64 bit
PC Intel i7 CPU 920 @2.67 12 GB RAM
Music stored on hdd internal and external
SDD for windows c

Thanks for reaching out, @Rego!

Does this behavior occur for all endpoints or just one? If you play to System Output does the same behavior occur?

Has there been any changes to your setup around the time that this behavior started occurring?

Have you tried rebooting your Core machine and endpoints?


Glad to hear that, @Rego!

If this behavior returns please let me know and we can take a closer look.


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OH! I think I found out. It is in playibg in Settings–Audio that the problem has been fixed. But I went by try-error. Now it is good.