Songs Stopping and Skipping During Playback (ref#YDKFNC)

What’s happening?

· Songs Stopping and Skipping During Playback

How can we help?

· None of the above

Other options

· Other

Describe the issue

When I begin streaming using Roon, the music whether from Tidal or Qobuz will start playing then randomly stop or skip tracks. It is not consistent at all.

Describe your network setup

PSAudio Network Bridge II, Roon Rock Intel NUC I7, EERO 6E Pro, Netgear switch, ethernet only

Hi @Alex_Rosenblum1,

Thank you for your post. Do higher-quality tracks tend to skip more often?

So, try streaming a FLAC file with a high sample rate and bit-depth (like a 24/96 FLAC file). Does this track skip? Repeat the test to the same Zone with a lower-quality file, like a 16/44 FLAC file.

How does the mesh router figure into your setup? Please elaborate on the relative arrangement of your ROCK and Zone in the network topology you’ve described. Is there a WiFi link between mesh nodes anywhere in this setup, even if your Zone and server are hardwired?

Lastly, verify that the DNS server assigned in your network is reliable. We recommend Cloudflare (

We’ll follow up from there. Thank you!

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