Sonore UltraRendu not detected as UPnP bridge (ref#GC7FGY)

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Sonore ultrarendu cannot be found as a UPnP bridge

Describe your network setup

LAN with router/switch Roon on NUC, Sonore ultrarendu and NDS all Ethernet connected

The ultrarendu is RoonReady. Have you tried setting the ultrarendu in this mode ? If so, it should appear in the Roon device list. I do not understand your need for a UPnP bridge here. Maybe I miss something.

The DAC I’m using NAIM NDS does not have USB input as an option. I’ve been advised the sonore UPnP bridge is the best sq option.

NUC with Roon Core, Streamer and Ultrarendu all on same network via Ethernet and ping ok. Squeezebox mode on…no success

OK I understand now. Good luck.

You won’t get official help with this from Roon support as it’s not using Roon Ready or another Roon supported method as Squeezelite isn’t supported. This is strictly tinkering. You should contact Sonore as it’s their product for help or many users on Naim forum would be able to advice or @simon_pepper as he uses one might.

But have you enabled squeezebox support in Roon? As you need that to be on for it to have any chance of working.

We came here from the Naim forum :smiley:

It was to understand why the OP’s Roon environment does not detect the Squeezebox product

I have two instances of the LMS2UPNP Bridge, one running as the SonoreUPnP Bridge on a UltraRendu, and a version running on a RPi2

Both are immediately visible in Roon.

Once this is the case for the OP, I can advise on the settings & configuration required for the NDS.

I would like Roon support to help with this Roon instance and the generic Squeezebox detection.

@Michael_Paletta Could you share a screenshot of your Roon Setup page like this

Just to show that Squeezebox mode is enabled