Thank you for your post. Just for testing, do these Sonos devices instantly appear in Roon if you close Tailscale?
Open RoonServer on this machine
Navigate to Settings → Audio
Open Terminal on this computer and enter Tailscale down
Refresh the Audio page in Roon or restart RoonServer
Do these Sonos devices appear?
If so, you might have configured Tailscale or your Windows network settings to restrict local network access or mDNS when Tailscale is enabled. In the Tailscale Admin page, find your RoonServer machine and make sure that “Allow Local Network Access” is enabled.
Verify that your network hardware has multicast enabled and IGMP snooping toggled on. Lastly, power-cycle your Sonos equipment to verify that firmware is updated.
If you’re able to test with a hardwired ethernet connection instead of WiFi, we highly recommend doing so.
I will tru this in a day or two as I am away. The strange thing i found later is that when i put my sonos port on airpla in roon. It works. But this has no effect on my play one and threes.
Being back home again. The problem is gone. Sonos play 3’s and ones ar working as before. Haven’t touched anything. Was roon upgraded or did it recieve some fix? Or?