Sony NW-ZX505 can't log into Roon ARC

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I have installed the installation package of Roon Arc using Sony MW-ZX505 player, but I can’t log in to my account on the login page no matter what, it keeps stopping and spinning around on the account login page. I experimentally re-downloaded and reinstalled roonarc again, but it still doesn’t work.

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It should open a web browser for the unified SSO login they are now using. Does the DAP not have one? If not your not going to get it working.

Roon Arc invokes Edge browser as the log-in, but it never responds after I enter my account and password!

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At least it’s getting to that. Will have to wait to hear from support. Logging in on Androids always been a bit finicky I have found even before they changed the login method as it often just fails to connect to the core or connects and keeps disconnecting. On iphone works everytime.

I just resigned in on my FiiO and it would not find my core at all but login worked. I had to just restart the app then it connected. I feel ARC needs work in this department. I take it restarting app asks you to sign in again then?

thank you for your answer! I’ve been having no problems with my iPhone 14 Pro, it’s the Sony NW-ZX505, a walkman player, that I was hoping to use as a sound source in my car!

Hope they manage to sort it for you. They don’t work weekends so hopefully someone will be able to help next week.

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