Sound Quality in One Computer


I am giving Roon a trial and *want to run Roon’s [Core, Control, and Output components all in one computer. I know this is not the optimal installation but my system has a signal computer setup.

I am looking for sound quality optimizations. The knowledge base has this page:

Unfortunately there are a bunch of broken links so it is not very helpful.

Can anyone provide some recommendations?


What operating system would you be using?

Using the latest macOS

All the links work for me, which one don’t.

High Sierra 10.13.6

seeing this in multiple browsers (chrome + safari)

This is the most important one if using it to output via usb DAC.
Not that familiar with osx though as to what else you can do.

Oh yeah they don’t work. I would concentrate on everything else in the link above first.

I think those relate to library scanning which you don’t want it to do whilst playing music at the same time on the same system I guess as it will take cpu away from playback.