Hi to everyone.
I’ve been trying to find something related to my problem, however I need to start new topic.
I’m running Roon Core on my Mac Mini 2018, which is directly connected to Benchmarc DAC3 by USB.
The biggest part of my library is on QNAP NAS, which is in my local network. Everything is plugged by CAT6a cables into my ASUS AC1900 Router. LAN Cables are not long. From NAS to router approximately 1 meter, from router to Mac Mini about 4 meters.
I’ve been noticing from the begging that files played from Mac Mini’s local SSD sound much different, than those coming from NAS. Local files are brighter, more detailed, compared to those stored at NAS. Even comparing the same file stored at local disc or NAS, they sound clearly different.
What am I doing wrong? Is there something in Roon settings that I should pay attention to, or something in network settings.
Network streaming is a can of worms in terms of sound quality. Everything in the signal path seems to degrade quality. Network switches make a difference to sound quality. Network cables make a difference. Devices such as LAN isolators make a difference. Power supplies for these devices make a difference.
The directly connected source (your Mac) becomes your benchmark and the goal is to find the network kit you need to match that (and it may not even be possible).
Switches from the likes of AQVox, SoTM, JCAT, Uptone, etc. Cables from same. LAN isolators from various sources, eg Pink Faun.
Can of worms but lots of discussion on hifi forums.
It isn’t audio until your DAC’s finished with it, until then its data, and we know the data is fine because it’s buffered and checksummed more than once on its path. I wonder if “expectation bias” is playing a role here? Have you tried making similar comparisons with the same file on a local USB drive?
Mike, not his particular setup, but otherwise yes: in my system, streaming from a source connected directly to my front-end/DAC is superior to ethernet streaming through the same device (in fact, I’ve seen this on all network devices I’ve owned). I have, since first noticing this some time ago, substantially lessened the gap through experimenting with switches/cables/power supplies etc, but a gap still exists and so the work continues. Has caused a lot of head scratching as to the cause, for sure.
Are you sure it is not the ethernet module in your DAC that is causing the trouble?
It is of course not the ethernet port itself, bit the 'integration module and corresponding firmware, that can have an impact on signal quality.
Also, can it be that on ethernet, you have a lower signal level than via USB. 1 dB difference is hard to detect, but allways result in lower perceived quality on longtime listening.
Personally, I do not perceive any difference when listening to either albums stored locally on SSD, stored locally on NAS, or directly from Qobuz via the internet.
I must admit however that the weakest link in my setup are my own ears (barely hearing up to 10 kHZ - if at all - mainly due to age).
“I don’t understand how or why there is a difference, therefore there CANNOT be one”
“I don’t understand how or why there is a difference, therefore there CANNOT be one”
“I don’t understand how or why there is a difference, therefore there CANNOT be one”
“I don’t understand how or why there is a difference, therefore there CANNOT be one”
“I don’t understand how or why there is a difference, therefore there CANNOT be one”
“I don’t understand how or why there is a difference, therefore there CANNOT be one”
Do you have the system connected to tidal or qobuz? Could it be choosing online versions in preference when you’re choosing to play certain files?
How do you tell roon which storage medium to play from, as in, do you literally rescan your entire library? Or do you keep two identical copies of the tracks named differently so you can A / B them back to back?
If you can tell us more about how you’re setting up the system to hear the differences, maybe someone can advise.
Neither of these would change depending on storage location though. They may be issues in themselves (although I’ve yet to find any link between free resources and sound quality).
If the system can play the file without skipping that should be sufficient to play it back perfectly.
The only reasons I can think of for differing quality are 1) the files being materially different
2) roon doing something weird and preferring an online version when one library is used
3) some differing audio setting when local storage is media source
I started to debug. If looks to me like Roon reads the files into a buffer, no matter if it is local, NAS or coming from Tidal/Qobuz.
Then it applies the upsampling, DSP, EQ and send 5 seconds chunks to the RAAT client.
The RAAT client client maintains its buffer 100% full for the whole playing time. When the song ends, it empties the buffer.
I do not know how Roon actually buffers, the actual handling of the file and sending it to the client is the same, not mattter where it is originally stored.
Nothing which explains, why it could be different.