Spinning wheel when adding album to library [Ticket In]


Here is a variation of the use case which leads to the continuous spinning wheel.

Open roon
Go to the main menu Qobuz section (Browse → Qobuz)
Select an album which is not yet in your library
Start playing this album
Wait few seconds
Add album to library
Get message that album is added and spinning wheel changes into heart
Go back one screen to Qobuz section
Select album again
Album is shown as being not in the library
Add album to library
Get message that album is added and spinning wheel keeps spinning forever
And this last part “Go back …….forever” can be repeated again and again.

You can do this also without playing the album.

So there is a problem when an album is added from the Qobuz section when this album is already in the library.

Just go to the Qobuz section and select an album already in your library. It will be shown as not yet in the library. If you add is then you get the continuous spinning wheel.

Hope this variation helps tracking down the main cause of the problem.

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