I had an old Alix board (3D2) picking up dust and decided to install squeezelite and try it out as a Roon endpoint. Works great ! I had trouble finding instructions to set it up, so even though this may be somewhat of a “niche” interest, I thought it could be useful to post a “how to” here.
Advantages of this board:
- cheap (can be found new for around 100$ and on ebay regularly for around 50$)
- robust
- very low power consumption, can be left on all the time
- good sound quality !
Prior to this, I had set up RoonBridge on an Olimex A20 card and was disappointed with the sound quality. Could be the Olimex card is not so suited to USB playback. I also use TinySqueeze on an Intel x32 board, and find the SQ on the Alix board is equivalent to the “highly optimized” TinySqueeze distribution…
Step 1: download debian from this link: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B9AGLVDYncLIYlU3SjBVSENXRTg&usp=sharing. I downloaded the latest version (v3).
Step 2: write the image to a CF card (I used Rufus, but any program will do).
Step 3: insert the CF card in the board, connect the board to the network, and power it on.
Step 4: connect via SSH (using Putty, for example). Login is: user alix, password 123456. Type “sudo su -” to switch to root privilege. You can find the IP address of the board on your network using any IP scanning software.
Step 5: update the system
apt-get update
Step 6: compile and install squeezelite. I followed most of the instructions, with some omissions and changes, from this link http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?98152-HOWTO-Install-squeezelite-for-logitech-media-server-on-Debian-Squeeze-as-a-service. Please note that the github link referenced is no longer valid, and I managed to find another one. Here is what I did:
apt-get install nano (optional, you can use the vi text editor, I just find nano to be easier)
apt-get install alsa
apt-get install git
apt-get install build-essential libasound2-dev libflac-dev libmad0-dev libvorbis-dev libvo-aacenc-dev libfaad-dev libmpg123-dev
cd /opt
git clone GitHub - ralph-irving/squeezelite: Lightweight headless squeezebox player for Lyrion Media Server
cd /opt/squeezelite
plugin your dac to the USB output of the board
./squeezelite -l
nano /etc/init.d/squeezelite
in the file, change the lines
OUTPUT=your device as listed in ./squeezelite -l
NAME=anything you want
I also changed the start instruction to this (you can add aditional parameters):
start-stop-daemon --start --quiet -b -m -p /var/run/squeezelite.pid --exec /opt/squeezelite/squeezelite – -z -o $OUTPUT -n $NAME
Save the file and continue with the following instructions
chmod 755 /etc/init.d/squeezelite
/etc/init.d/squeezelite start
insserv squeezelite
That’s it ! Activate squeezelite compatibility in the Roon settings, and enable the endpoint, which should appear under “Squeezbox” endpoints. You may need to reboot the board every time you remove/change the USB connection.