Stable release 2018/05/21 (110)

Hi there!

Time for another release, here’s the changelog:

  • FIX: WiFi network id with spaces is not allowed
  • FIX: WiFi password with special characters is not allowed
  • IMPROV: show network config when DHCP (wired)
  • IMPROV: detect more Rpi 3 b+ models (different cpu revision)
  • IMPROV: changed network config heuristics when WiFi is enabled
    (use different hostname for wired connection to prevent double DHCP entries)
  • IMPROV: show friendly message when rebooting in the webpage
  • IMPROV: make reboot schedule configurable
  • IMPROV: add option ‘on boot’ to update schedule
  • IMPROV: bump Linux kernel to 4.14.41
  • NEW: show board temperature in the webpage
  • NEW: native DSD support for the Mola-Mola DAC

Especially the last one I’m happy with. This is the first time a manufacturer reached out to me to get native DSD sorted!

Note: the change in the wifi network heuristics mean that at soon you enable ‘WiFi’ in the user interface the cable connection uses ‘ropieee-wired’ as DHCP hostname. This prevents double entries with the same hostname, but the downside is that you need to reload the page on ‘ropieee-wired’ to finish your wireless setup. Consider this work in progress, still not satisfied with it :wink:

As always your system is updated automatically. Enjoy!


How does one update a running system? I logged into both Roon and the device itself but can’t see how the update process works. What am I missing?

Reboot and wait for 20 minutes or so.

Cool. Thanks. I rebooted a while ago and I just checked it now and it’s at 110. Automagical.

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Thanks Harry @spockfish for the update. All of our 7 ropieee devices updated automatically during reboot – you can see they worked hard for a few minutes at 3:04am. :slight_smile: (The other spikes are generally displays in use.)

I really appreciate RoPieee.

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Sooo… What happened to the Living Room Pi? :slight_smile:

Not sure @RBM . It always runs hotter because of the HAT it uses, and the location I guess, but it was the only Pi not to reflect the update. (I only capture data every 10 minutes, so there is that consideration.) The spike at 7:40 is a simple reboot, as I wanted to verify that the new version reboots okay as I am traveling this week. It was already 110.

The first Ropieee update I have lived through! Painless!

Harry, Several reboots restarts and power cycling. No joy…yet.

Can you send me feedback (advanced tab)?

fccaf1787ef4582e is on its way. Thx for your efforts.

Are you familiair with SSH? I can then help you fix it.

Think I can navigate. Pls continue.