Strange linking issues

Content you’re reporting an issue with

Local rip of the swedish album “No Excuse”

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Yes, identified

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Everything default, no changes

Description of the issue

I was reading up on a band called “Love and Rockets” and remembered they were on a compilation album (a CD which i ripped and stored in my local lib) from the late 80’s/early 90’s. So i looked
at the “appears on” view in the Artist view, but the compilation does not show…

I didn’t remember the title of the compilation album though, so i pondered for a moment over the other artists present, to try and find it that way. But no, none of the artists seemed to include this compilation in their “discography”. I even remembered and searched for the label “MNW” but that didn’t help either. Eventually i found it under its title “No Excuse”.

Thing is, the album IS identified, and the contributing artists are linked on each track, even “Love and Rockets”. But, why are they not connected the other way around?

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