Superstereo HiRes radio channels no longer available

The 9 stations OF sUPERSTEREO hIrES rADIO are no longer available
the stream of these station "the Sueperstereo Network is no longer avalaible on this device …)
What happened ?
i want to add this radios with the “add radio” function but when i add the stream url (ex : (Hi res quality) or with no metadata)) it works
for a few minutes then stop.
And this for all station.
Is someone else has the same solution or knows a solution ?


The station is now transmitting only 96k .aac streams. I have altered the database accordingly so they should now play.

The station now transmit their flac streams in a form which Roon cannot play successfully. The devs are aware of this shortcoming.


Thanks. works great!



thanks for your answers.

96k aac is a very poor quality for a stream …

The problem with this kind of stream (flac hi res from Superstereo in Roon is not new.

Sofwares like Musicbee, JRiver, Wiim etc … have no problems to read the high resolution flac stream from Superstereo with metadata

Hope that Roon will be too …

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