Support for ARMv8 as well as ARMv7? [Coming in 1.3]

So I made it work.
Quick info: one needs the hybrid 32-bit edition from ODROBIAN Jessie (64bit) & (32bit).
This is the direct download link as of today.

Full solution (I may be missing some steps, because I’m reproducing it from memory):

  1. After booting the new distro, login as root/odrobian.
  2. Execute
    apt-get install curl
  3. Execute
    apt-get install libasound2
  4. Download the ROON BRIDGE automatic install script. Here comes the fun part:
    This is a bit of hacking, because we disregard the machine-reported architecture, but it’s OK if you use the distribution I pointed to.
    Search for this line:
    ``MACHINE_ARCH=uname -m``` For me it is on line 15 Replace it withMACHINE_ARCH=armv8`
    Follow the rest of the instructions in the Knowledge base

Let me know if it doesn’t work.