Swap all Tidal albums to Qobuz

I’m also in the process of switching from Tidal + Qobuz to Qobuz only. I’m down in that process from about 1400 albums on Tidal to 855. My library consists of 2146 additional albums on Qobuz and 1399 local stored albums. So 4400 albums in total.

I do this transfer by filtering my albums via Focus on Tidal only. I then manually go through every single album to identify the best Qobuz version. I add it to my library, replicate tags, album rating, liked songs, and songs on my playlists (as I can’t remember everything I need to switch several times between the two albums, as you always have to use the Version tab). Once everything is carefully transferred I remove the Tidal songs from the respective playlists to finally remove the Tidal album completely. One down.

IMHO adding the albums automatically by any outside service will not speed up anything: I still have to open every Tidal and Qobuz album in Roon and manually transfer album ratings, liked songs, tags and all songs on various playlist. And delete the Tidal songs in that playlists and finally the album itself. All this information is locked in Roon and not accessible by any automation tools (as I‘m aware of).

It’s a huuuuge pain in the whatever. Especially when you know you have a system (Roon) that knows all that information already and could just do it for you in some seconds. I roughly calculated that I still just need to perform about 20k to 25k clicks until I’m done. Hahaha. This is insane. I probably will need until the end of the year and spend hundreds of hours on this. Call me crazy…