Switching between two Roon servers on a single account

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How can I switch between 2 Roos servers on 1 account? I will only use 1 sever at the time.

Describe your network setup

I have 2 houses, with in each house a separate Roon server and Roon end-points.

Roon - Settings - General - Disconnect

Then connect to the other Roon server. Somewhere in this process you will click to authorize the second server and unauthorize the first one. Just remember, Roon ARC will cease to work when you unauthorize the Roon server on which it is set up back at the other house.

I do not have access to my other house currently where I have my first Roon sever. When trying to open Roon, I get the error message that my Roon server cannot be found. So how can I then unauhorize my first sever? I do not have yet the 2nd one (a Nucleus One).

You don’t need to be on the network the old Roon server is on.
When you start Roon it will not find your old server and ask to choose Roon server.
You can then choose the new server but if you don’t have it yet then this is something you will need to wait for until you do.

You have to be local to the one you are trying to authorize but not local to the other one. It gets unauthorized on the Roon servers (cloud based).

Thank you for your responses. My nucleus one has arrived, will try to connect it soon.

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