Synology DS918+ Roon installed - is it possible to access remotely


New on Roon 1.6 on Synology 918+ With a teac u503 connected , I,would like to know if it is possible to connect to Roon from outside of our home network ?

For exemple on an iPhone outside in 4g?

Hope I’m sufficient clear

Thanks for your help


Yes it is possible. Since version 1.6 it is working when I build a VPN connection from outside to my local network. For that I use the Synology VPN Plus server package on my Synology router and the VPN Plus cliënt app on my iPhone. I assume there is also a VPN Plus Server package available for DiskStations.

Thanks Alfred

But it’s not possible without create a vpn ?

I use Plex and the server is easily accessible outside without vpn trough any plex client on iPhone / iPad fir ex

Any trick or option to activate to use Roon outside home without a vpn ?

As far as I know it is not possible to reach Roon from outside your LAN. It has something to do with the RaatServer protocol (and multicast).

Ok thanks Alfred

I,will;try to creat this vpn so