I’m having no success scheduling a Roon backup, because apparently I’m not correctly specifying the backup location. I want to back up from my Nucleus, which is named as the N: drive on my network, to my PC’s E: drive. But I don’t know how to correctly give that backup location. Here is the error message I get:
Assuming you have set up an appropriate Windows share for the E: drive called “share” and the Windows PC name is “David-Dell-XPS”, then I believe the correct format is:
To add on to what’s been said, the login should be a local account not a microsoft login and I don’t think you should have any spaces in the login name or password.
But when I try to add a network share backup location I still get the error message “Host not found”. As you can see, I’m using the syntax you’ve suggested: \David-Dell-XPS\share. While I have to put in a numerical passcode to get into Windows on my PC, I don’t have to put in a username or a password to use the PC.
I’m not being facetious here. Why don’t you just plug in a USB HDD to your Nucleus? That’s what I did. I found a leftover drive I had removed from an old laptop and put it in a case. Works perfectly with 1TB of space.
I thought of that, and I have a 1 TB external drive that would work! I’m game to try that – but how do I get Roon to recognize that drive? What do I put in as the Network Share backup location?
I don’t remember. Probably what you see above. By the way, some of those cases come with a power supply, but I’ve never needed to use it. The drive gets enough power through the USB cable from the Nucleus.
I don’t remember having to type in anything. Usually, it’s a matter of clicking.
If you plug a USB HD drive into the Nucleus it should just show up under Browse.
Step 8, click View to Schedule a Backup, Click Add, Click Browse, and if you have plugged in a USB drive, it should just be visible under Choose a Folder to Backup to, no need to add a network location, because, it isn’t it is local.
Here is what I see when I do the above, the Passport is a WD Passport external drive.
It looks like your share name is ‘e’ so the network share should be “\\DAVID-DELL-XPS\e”.
If in doubt, just navigate to the share that you want in windows explorer (selecting e for example in the image above) and then copy share path from the explorer address.
I don’t have a windows share set up, so I will demonstrate with the share on my NUC/ROCK where the share is called ‘Data’.
First, the top level view of the ROCK - equivalent to the view of “DAVID-DELL-XPS” that you show above:
Finally, selecting the folder name field of explorer by clicking in the address field (Where it shows “Network > Rock > Data >” above) to the immediate right of the right most chevron (‘>’):
From here you can copy the shared folder address by using CTRL-C. and then paste the result into the address location in the ‘Add Network Share’ location on the Roon server.
Somewhat off topic in relation to this thread, but it is generally considered bad practice to share the whole drive in windows - especially the system drive (C:). It is a much better idea to create a folder on a drive for a specific purpose and named appropriotely (e.g. “RoonBackup”) and then create a share of that specific folder and name the share to reflect the purpose (e.g. “RoonBackup”).
You can have many such shares on a single drive for different purposes.
I can’t use the USB port on my Nucleus for plugging in an external SSD for backup, because I have to use the USB port to connect the Nucleus to my Benchmark DAC for hi-res streaming. The only free ports are HDMI A and HDMI B. Does anyone know if I can use an external SSD plugged into HDMI on the Nucleus for Roon backup? If so, how do I tell Roon to use that as the backup location?
Wade, thanks . . . but I’m still stuck. I’ve tried \David-Dell-XPS\e and \David-Dell-XPS\e\share in the field for Network Share Location, and I still get the error message “Host not found”
Thanks - I was missing the second USB port because it’s under the first! I’ve connected the SSD over USB, and will see if Roon sees it for backup . . . fingers crossed
I use a USB connection to my Benchmark DAC because the highly capable tech support people at Benchmark told me to do it that way.