I request that when Roon goes through the install process it actually “Tunes” the system its being installed on…
Or…have system tuning parameters in the “Settings” menu section so people can opt to apply various settings.
I request that when Roon goes through the install process it actually “Tunes” the system its being installed on…
Or…have system tuning parameters in the “Settings” menu section so people can opt to apply various settings.
Turn on, tune in, drop out.
Adjusting OS configuration for the many supported OSes has no place in Roon. In most cases they will cause more problems than they solve. Roon is a small team with limited resources.
The results of said changes are subjective at best anyway.
You mean like Mac, Windoz and Linux? Can you add anything to the list…just pick one more of the many you are talking about.
FYI, they already have this for Linux with their own ROCK OS.
Tuning is not necessarily for sound but for efficiency. For example Roon uses TCP protocol to stream from the Core to the Bridge. With Linux the default numbers are good, providing some 0.5% packet loss. With a couple of small tuning changes I got mine down to 0.00%…and OBJECTIVE improvement. I also made other basic but needed changes based on efficiency,…subjectively there is a clear night and day difference in sound. Objectively there are clear improvements in numbers, including OS jitter and heat.
Edit: changed UDP to TCP to prevent everyone beating a dead horse.
Add iOS and Android to that list, both are remotes and playback endpoints and share common code.
Roon quit using UDP quite some time back they now use TCP for communication between the core and bridge.
The tuning for both TCP and UDP are the same.
Also I don’t think many people use their iPhone or Android phone as endpoints in their audio rig…do you?
I don’t but that’s not the point. Roon developers have mentioned in the past they want as much code as possible to be common across the supported platforms, thus the use of Xamarin and Open GL. Adding specialized code on an OS by OS case isn’t something that is easily maintainable or part of their development strategy.
Can you use common code for tuning, very much so…esp in the areas to tune.
No, it uses TCP. But, this is immaterial. Roon is designed to work in the home environment by people with no technical knowledge of networking etc. If Roon started changing system parameters it would be incredibly difficult to support.
Which is exactly why it needs to be tuned. Each home network is different and has a host of variables that could degrade network performance. By carving out a fast-lane through tuning you would be giving Roon an advantage in all home networks. My home network is small and simple, no kids streaming YouTube and XBOX and my packet loss was 0.5%, less than 1.5% is acceptable for streaming audio…I was at 1/3 of that. Now I have mine down to 0.00%
Do you know what your packet loss is on your network from Host to Client?
Why, its not a moving target. Once its set all the work is done…forever.
Only if you live in a bubble. Automatic OS updates, driver updates, router updates etc etc
I’ve recently said that I prefer posts to be mutually supportive of feature requests. But I have to say I think it would be opening a huge can of worms to have Roon tweak OS settings.
If there are network PROBLEMS, maybe it could have a network tool to help detect where they are - i.e. maybe incorporate something into the signal path indicator as to where there is a choke point or something, if possible. But changing settings sounds like asking for a lot of trouble.
Network efficiency is only a problem if it is creating an actual problem. Most people have excess capacity on their LAN, at least to the extent of the wired parts.
As expected, the Nay-Sayers win out.
I’ll just keep my “Static” network tunings to myself and enjoy my 0.00% packet loss all to myself
Reminds me of an episode of the TwilightZone when someone came to a town with a cure for diseases etc and they called him a witch killed him and burned his formula for the cure.
LOL…you guys enjoy!
Note to Roon, those Linux tunings that you have in the ROCK OS are not needed…drop them users don’t care.
Yep out to a DAC
I think Roon has addressed this in other ways through RAAT. Packet loss can affect the quality of experience but RAAT is designed to give a good user experience despite problems with connected hardware and software.
Imagine turning up at any software vendor, after about 1986, and saying to the support department - “Hey we are taking on any query about networking as we are are going to tweak the OS on any client we support” If you made it alive out of the room I’d be surprised.
Yeah or talk about promoting PC’s say in the 1940’s or so…
“I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.”
Thomas Watson, president of IBM, 1943
Oh and meanwhile, now when I navigate Roon’s GUI, there is zero lag, pages appear and load instantly…
Between 0.5% packet loss and 0% packet loss in an RAAT system. Really…?
That defies all logic. But… if you’re hearing such a vast improvement. Then it’s definitely worth the tweak!
Yes I know, this isn’t the first time someone used ‘Logic’ to determine what is or is not real.
When I ran from my Roon - RAAT bridge
nuttcp -u -Ri300m/50 -i 1 -T5
Before tuning I got 0.56% packet loss
After I got 0.00%
Mind blowing huh?
That you got from 0.56% to 0% is impressive, yes.
That it affected sound quality in a system that is designed to be resilient to packet loss… because it re-requests any packets lost… so they are not actually ‘lost’… because they’re re-sent… is amazing!